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Hydrocyclone Skids

Our innovative range of Hydrocyclone Skids offer solids removal and dewatering of this product via several methods all from a single plug and play unit.  To date, we have designed and built these units to deal with flowrates of 1 to 500 m3/h.  At Materials Recovery Systems we pride ourselves in giving the customer the best solution so get in touch with your requirements and we would be happy to provide you with a bespoke solution if one of our standard units doesn't quite fit the bill.

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The HS25 Duo

The HS25 Duo has all of the capabilities and features of the HS15, with the added benefit of a pre screen to remove the larger fraction first.  This provides two separate outputs and also gives blockage and mechanical protection to the hydrocyclone and its feed pump.  Previous applications of this product include coarse and fine organic separation and grit and sand separation.

The HS500

The HS500 is the biggest integrated hydrocyclone unit that we have built to date with five 10" hydrocyclones mounted on a common manifold to handle a massive 500m3/h of flow.  This particular unit, which was built for a customer in the food industry, is fitted with 63 micron screens in the vibrating deck allowing removal of the sand along with the smallest organics before discharge to the sewer. Although this unit required partial dismantling before transport due to the size, it shares all of the same features and design with our smallest unit so still offered a short installation time.  It was provided with a control panel, pump and pipework giving a complete package and no fuss.  This particular project also included live online monitoring so that data could be viewed and recorded remotely giving the client complete confidence knowing that their discharge limit was being adhered to.

Hydrocyclone Skids: News & Updates

The HS15

The HS15 hydrocyclone skid gives solids removal and dewatering of up to 15m3/h of effluent from a unit with a footprint of just 2m x 1m.  With its integrated pump and control panel, the HS15 really is a plug and play solution that has proven itself on many occasions to be a favourite with customers that are working with limited space or require something that can be moved with ease.  The clever design means that the pump can never run dry so is ideal for applications with a start and stop flow that is usually a stumbling block for other hydrocyclone setups

This video shows a HS200 unit with a split screen deck dealing with the overflow of a customers log washer on site at TATA steelworks.  The material first travels over a 3mm coarse screen before being passed through the two 10" hydrocyclones to remove the fines and further dewatered by the fine screens on the other half of the deck.

HS200 Split Deck

Contact Us

Materials Recovery Systems, Unit 48a Severnbridge Industrial Estate, Caldicot, NP26 5PW




Contact - 01291 490480


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